Flitzer Sport Flying Association

Colin Cheese's Flitzer Z-21A

February 21, 2008

...just to prove I have made a start, here are a couple of pictures of my Z-21A fin and rudder. They look a bit messy at the moment as I am using Aerodux and I got a bit liberal in places but it cleans up well enough. I hope to get the remaining ribs in at the weekend.

The Taylorcraft door picture is to illustrate the source of a current distraction from the Flitzer. Various bits of a friend's project are passing through my workshop. He was forced to stop work on it for a while through illness and I'm helping him catch up lost time. The doors needed a bit of restoration but proved to me how long lasting wooden structures can be - I understand that they were made in 1941.



Taylorcraft door

Rudder in jig

Fin in jig

Fin with some gussets