Flitzer Sport Flying Association

Garrett Meriwether's F.5 Jung Tiger

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June 14, 2011


Here's a couple of pictures to verify that I am actually in the process of building the world's first F.5 Jung Tiger. Well, at least the first one in this Millenium. We all know what happened to the Flitzer Flugzeugsfabrik post WW2 and unfortunately the few surviving F.5s. I am progressing as rapidly as possible considering that some of the missing original factory drawings have to be recreated intuitively. Thankfully, Mr. Lynn Williams, the autoritŠres Flitzer-Flugzeug has been very helpful in this endeavor. More later.


Gerhardt von Frohlicheswetter

July 30, 2011


In addition to all the wing ribs and the tailplane and elevator for the Flitzer Jung Tiger, Garrett Merriwether has now made excellent progress on the fin and rudder.

Note that the thick 'vertical' elements in the fin and rudder base areas are balsa contour-keepers for the lower 1.0 mm ply skinning to prevent 'oil-canning'.

I have up-dated the fin and rudder drawing to show the hinge support ply facings and the fin contour keeper so that the prototype evolution and the drawings are keeping pace. In addition the forward upper lonegerons will now be scarfed at a slope angle to improve the contour for a cosmetic radial cowl, if fitted.

Great work, Garrett.


September 1, 2011


Here's the latest pictures from Garrett.


Finished Fin and Rudder

December 29, 2011


Here's the latest pictures from Garrett.


Horizontal Stabilizer and Elevator

Completed Tail Group

Elevator Trim Tab Detail